Burmese Proverb Quotes or Myanmar Proverb in English

Seven days is the length of a guest's life.

A stitch in time saves nine.


If you truly want honesty, don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to.


Sparrows who emulate peacocks are likely to break a thigh.


Collect the water while it rains.


A diligent person will soon prosper.


Harrow before the cow.


One can't die if he's brave. Even when he die his name lasts forever.


Sparrows who mimic peacocks are likely to break a thigh.


You can be a king, if you are brave.


Anyone can fancy his bed as a palace.


If you trust before you try, You will repent before you die.


Do use a needle in time, or you might need an axe later.


A stupid act entails doing the work twice over.


If you like what you are doing, nothing is too far and no job is too hard. The person who makes an error should be taught, and not made fun of. A good character is more valuable than gold.

Myanmar Proverb in English

If there are too many teachers or leaders with different ideas, the follower will not do nothing and learn nothing.


You can even be a God, if you try.

You can even be a God, if you try.

It's dress in a man, bindings in baskets' edge.

It's dress in a man, bindings in baskets' edge.

Don't be a sling bag.

Don't be a sling bag.

One sesame seed won't make oil.

One sesame seed won't make oil.

There's only 2 ways: go cracy, or go extraordinary.

There's only 2 ways: go cracy, or go extraordinary.

Two may become enemies, when their ideas are the same.

Two may become enemies, when their ideas are the same.

Sparrows who mimic peacocks are likely to break a thigh.

Myanmar Proverb

Sparrows who mimic peacocks are likely to break a thigh.

Fisherman near fisherman. Hunter near hunter.

Myanmar Proverb

Fisherman near fisherman. Hunter near hunter.

No child was ever born without having been conceived.

Myanmar Proverb

No child was ever born without having been conceived.

Regrets always come later.

Regrets always come later.

Bone in chicken, relatives in man.

Bone in chicken, relatives in man.

A ship-load of fish gets spoiled, because of 1 spoiled fish.

Seek wisdom like a begger.

Calling out for mother, only when you stumble.

No matter how much care is taken, someone will always be misled.

If you take big paces you leave big spaces.

Wisdom is in the books.

The child who is given everything he asks for usually won't succeed in life.

The excessively kind-hearted person becomes a slave.

Seven days is the length of a guest's life. *

Wise man's anger never comes out.

A genuine ruby wont sink and disappear in mud.

It's like catching 2 eels at a time.

You can pull back your leg, but not your committed word.

Be deligent when there's time.

A good character is real beauty that never fades.

Only with a new ruler do you realize the value of the old.

Unmistakable lawyer. Immortal medicineman.

Strength is defeated by a strong strategy. Every road leads somewhere.

Don't use up your arrows before you go to battle.

Before the bending arm straighten, or before the straighten arm bends.

You can stop speaking to someone, but you cannot stop being related.

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.

Alertness and courage are life's shield.

Mango among fruits, pork among meats, tea among leaves.

The anger of the prudent never shows.

Using up the arrows, before getting into battle.

You can even be a God, if you try.

Forgetting the cow, when going out to plough.

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Old cows like young grass.

Old cows like young grass.

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The voluntary obedience of people depends on who is commanding them.

The voluntary obedience of people depends on who is commanding them.

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A hero only appears once the tiger is dead.

Excessive talk is sure to include errors.

You fail if you're afraid. Or brave, you may become a king.

Even if the truth is buried for centuries, it will eventually come out and thrive.

Parents are the first teachers of the children.

Myanmar Proverb in English

Water can wear away even the hardest rock.

Many people count other people's faults and ignore their own.

Beware of a man's shadow and a bee's sting.

Fidelity in a king, promise in men.

The blind person never fears ghosts.

An unmarried woman is not honored, even if she has 10 brothers.

If you really want honesty, then don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to.

When it rains, collect the water.

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