Bulgarian Proverbs in English Sayings

He, who gives much, will soon start begging.

If you can't be good, then be careful.


Unfenced garden - fenced in desert.


If you cannot serve, you cannot rule.


Thirsty men make good prophets.


Blessed wine, cursed drinking.


A song belongs to no one.

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Wait horse for green grass.

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He who believes in dreams feeds on wind.

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Every tree has its worm to eat it.

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The Bad tax-collector will sell one of your oxen, the good one - both.


The Blind hen, when it sees again, wants even to mount the cock.


If you go to sleep with the blind, you'll wake up squinting.


A crow a crow's eyes doesn't peck.


Three hundred ravens are scattered by one stone.

Three hundred ravens are scattered by one stone.

He who breaks his word shall through his word be broken.

He who breaks his word shall through his word be broken.

Every frog must know its sole-leather.

Every frog must know its sole-leather.

If you have no enemies think then that your own mother might have produced one.

If you have no enemies think then that your own mother might have produced one.

Watch your step when you walk: you may find nothing but you will not stumble.

Watch your step when you walk: you may find nothing but you will not stumble.

The Chicken teaches the hen to lay eggs.

Bulgarian Proverbs

The Chicken teaches the hen to lay eggs.

Blood is thicker than water.

Blood is thicker than water.

He who digs someone else's grave shall fall in it himself.

He who digs someone else's grave shall fall in it himself.

A tree falls the way it leans.

A tree falls the way it leans.

If you let everyone walk over you, then you become a carpet.

If you let everyone walk over you, then you become a carpet.

The Dog barks to keep itself, not the village.

Eyes see everything but themselves.

If you light one candle for God, then you must light two for the devil.

To the donkey thorns taste better than hay.

Water washes up everything but shame.

If you can't be good, be careful.

A crow will never be a dove.

The Donkey, though it may go to the Holy Land, will still come back a donkey.

He who does not work, must not eat.

Burning the poor man's candles, counting the rich man's money.

If you want apples, you have to shake the trees.

The droplet is always at its largest just before it drops.

 A word about to be spoken is like a stone that is ready to be thrown.

We had a dog, it helped the wolf.

Too many barbers would be ready to shave the beard of a beardless man.

If you want to annoy the devil stay silent.

Feed a dog to bark at you.

The Drum is large but empty.

If you want to drown yourself, don't torture yourself with shallow water.

What the devil is unable to do, he asks a woman to do?

A fortress surrenders from within.

When given a kingdom, the gypsy asks: what about bread?

Two happy days are seldom brothers.

If you wish to drown, do not torture yourself with shallow water.

Flies plough the ox' horns.

The earth is man's only friend.

 When the sea turned into honey, the poor man lost his spoon.

He who has been at the mill has flour on his hat.

Burning the quilt because of the fleas.

The eye that sees all things else, sees not itself.

When the sea turned to honey, the poor man lost his spoon.

A gentle word opens an iron gate.

If you would live long, open your heart.

When the Turk becomes richer he takes another wife.

For the blind sellers there are blind buyers.

He who keeps his old clothes, gains new ones too.

 The First glass is for health, the second - for joy, the third - for fun, the fourth - for madness.

A Word makes no hole, a pinch tears no underskirt.

If your neighbor's house is on fire, make haste to put out the fire in your own house.

Where shepherds are lots, sheep are lost.

From the promise to the deed is a day's journey.

It is easier to fondle lassies, than to cut timbers.

Whip the saddle and give the mule something to think about it.

A good cock can never have too many hens.

The fox falls into the trap only once.

It is easy to be the father of children already born.

Dead horses can't kick.

He who laughs last, laughs best.

The horse went into the river.

A good friend is recognized in times of trouble.

Give me, mother, luck at my birth, then throw me if you will on the rubbish heap.

Why didn't the midwife, who cut your naval string, cut your head instead?

A Good son needs no inheritance, the bad needs none.

He who lies, hangs from a gallows - he who does not, hangs twice.

Go hunting for rabbits - be eaten by wolves.

The Hump is straightened only by the grave.

Why should I shave when God doesn't?

An axe without a shaft is no threat to the forest.

Let the man who has suffered ask it -- not the man who has travelled.

Give me money to buy myself a purse to put my money in.

The Meek lamb sucks from two mothers.

With a king it is the same as with fire - stay neither close by, nor too far away.

He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

God does not pay every Saturday.

With one bullet - two rabbits.

The neighbor's chicken is a duck.

Death is closer than the shirt.

A Haughty person will not even reach down to take his own nose if it had fallen to the ground.

Hungry bear doesn't dance.

Life is a ladder - some will climb up it, others down.

A house without a woman is like a fire without a bucket.

Wriggling hands like young bride's legs.

The nice apples are always eaten by nasty pigs.

I Gave Up smoking, smoking would not give me up.

God gives but does not lock the gate.

Life is a stairway - some are going up, others are going down.

He who steals the minaret shall find a case to hide it.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Hunger is a bigger master than the king.

The Old man is not asked where he aches, but why he does not ache there.

Man is harder than a stone and more brittle than an egg.

Do not put all eggs in one basket.

You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

He who undertakes too many jobs does none.

Many people wash their hands to have dinner with the bishop, only a few sit down to his table.

You are permitted in times of great danger to walk with the devil until you have crossed the bridge.

The Older one marries, the longer the nights.

God is not without sins: He created the world.

Measure twice, cut once.

If God should listen to rooks, he should send a plague to horses.

You can't find stupidity in the forest.

The pear does not fall far from the tree.

A Joke may have children born.

Money tempts women, women tempt men.

Hell is also made for people.

The Sea has decided to drown itself in the river.

God promises a safe landing but not a smooth passage.

You monk, do you want us to give you in marriage?

If Only youth had knowledge and old age ability.

Mother Nature, time and patience are the three best doctors.

You will sell more sheepskins at the market than wolfskins.

Bad weather gets better, a bad man never does.

If the Priest is used to get drunk, the people do not sober at all.

The Sluggard works twice, the niggard pays twice.

He, who buys what he does not need, sells what he needs.

No hero without a wound.

Grapes do not grow in a willow tree.

If you are going to drown, do not try it in shallow water.

A lie has no legs.

The Sparrows quarrel over somebody else's millet.

He, who gets angry, grows old fast.

Not Every nun becomes Mother Superior.

He that wills not to feed a cat feeds the mice.

Bulgarian Proverbs

He that wills not to feed a cat feeds the mice.

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Every frog has his own pond.

Bulgarian Proverbs

Every frog has his own pond.

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Tell the blind he is eyeless, and he will get mad at you.

Bulgarian Proverbs

Tell the blind he is eyeless, and he will get mad at you.

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Bandage up your finger and take a walk in the village to see how many medical people you will meet.

If you break the fast, better eat pork, not curds.

Gravediggers have their own gravediggers too.

The Stronghold is taken from within.

One does not get crucified, one crucifies oneself.

A lie's legs are short.

He, who gives much, will soon start begging. *

The Sun shines on mud, but does not get muddy.

Don't cry at somebody else's grave.

One gentle word opens a gate of iron.

The village feeds the town.

If you call one wolf, you invite the pack.

Because of John hating St. John.

The Wealthy man has even his crow laying him eggs.

 Hasty work - shame for its creator.

Drop by drop - a whole lake becomes.

One learns as long as one lives and still dies a fool.

Have your cake and eat it too.

The wife carries the husband on her face; the husband carries the wife on his clothes.

A lion lurks in everyone's heart; awake him not.

He that believes in dreams pastures the winds.

Either the camel, or the camel man.

The wolf has a thick neck, because he does his job on his own.

One swallow doesn't make a spring.

He that feels sorry for the shoe, loses the horse.

There is no boneless fish.

Draw water from the new well, but do not spit in the old one.

Out of sight, out of mind.

He that flies high falls low down.

There's no flock without carrion.

A person is known by the company he keeps.

Ravens do not peck each other's eyes out.

He that has a hawk has three hundred partridges.

Embrace the snake and it will bite you.

They do not want him in the village, he asks for the priest's house.

Seize the opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.

He that sleeps with a dog, should bear its fleas.

Take a big bite, but don't say a big word.

Better the grave than a slave.

They said to the fox, the fox said to its tail.

If you can kiss the mistress, never kiss the maid.

Talk of the devil - and the devil appears.

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